

Upcoming events.

The Mission Exhibition

The Mission Exhibition

Here you will find organisations and societies offering information, resources and opportunities to help you connect with what God is doing all over the world. Wander around, meet the representatives and then stop for a drink in the café. The representatives would love to tell you how God is working through their organisation.

The exhibition is open between 2:30pm and 5:00pm Tuesday to Friday (closing at 4:30pm on Friday). The café will close at 4:30pm each afternoon (4:00pm on Friday). You will need a conference pass (week or day) to visit the exhibition.

The Mission Exhibition is organized by Andrew and Jenny Love.

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Morning Children's Club

Morning Children's Club

Your child will love our clubs. Whether it’s their first time or they’ve been coming for several years there will be new friends to be made, and they’ll get to know more about the Bible with fun activities tailored to their age, cool games and quizzes.

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Prayer Meetings
A14, C22

Prayer Meetings

David Hails from Ebenezer Evangelical Church Neath Abbey will be leading the C22 meeting at 9:00am, and Nathan Munday Heath Evangelical Church Cardiff will be leading the 9:00am A14 meetings.

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Extratime/Take Time Seminar

Extratime/Take Time Seminar

Questioning Jesus
Jesus asked at least 130 questions during his ministry. He used these questions for all sorts of different reasons. Jesus, knowing all things, didn’t need anyone’s help to answer these questions. Instead he used these questions in order to involve his hearers, forcing them to think and ultimately pointed them to the truth. We are going to explore 4 of them this week.

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Extratime Late

Extratime Late

In our extratime late sessions we will meet together again after the evening meetings in the Great Hall to sing, pray, catch up and also be encouraged in the Word. This year our thoughts are going to be on the I am statements that Jesus made in John’s gospel in order to declare who he was and why there is no other like him.

I am the Resurrection and the Life

In our final extratime late of the week we will look at what is possibly the biggest and most controversial claim Jesus ever made. Some don’t believe in life after death or that Jesus gives eternal life. Some might doubt it because it doesn’t match with science. We will see that Jesus’ words were not meaningless or hollow and that his resurrection from the dead showed he had power over death and that he brings new life to all who trust in him!

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Prime Time

Prime Time

Prime Time fellowship group meetings are aimed at "those in their prime" and usually attract a good number of people (around 80) with an age range of 55-80. The meetings, this year, will be held Monday to Thursday evenings inclusive in the Dance Studio which is close to the Main Hall. There should be plenty of space and good acoustics. The meetings will run from 8-30pm-9-30pm approximately.

The aim is to be quite informal with coffee and biscuits beforehand. The speaker for the evening is then introduced and speaks for about 15-20 minutes on the topic for the evening. This will be followed by questions/discussion for a further 15-20 minutes.

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Aber Conference League - Football tournament

Aber Conference League - Football tournament

There’s nothing quite like the beautiful game. God in his kindness has given us a wonderful sport to enjoy and we hope to be able to give him the glory as we play together on Thursday afternoon at the university pitches. This tournament is open to all ages and all skill levels but we kindly ask those who like to bicker and complain to the referees and organisers to stay away! Whether you’re looking for a team or already have one, grab a team sheet and submit your names by Wednesday evening.

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The Mission Exhibition

The Mission Exhibition

Here you will find organisations and societies offering information, resources and opportunities to help you connect with what God is doing all over the world. Wander around, meet the representatives and then stop for a drink in the café. The representatives would love to tell you how God is working through their organisation.

The exhibition is open between 2:30pm and 5:00pm Tuesday to Friday (closing at 4:30pm on Friday). The café will close at 4:30pm each afternoon (4:00pm on Friday). You will need a conference pass (week or day) to visit the exhibition.

The Mission Exhibition is organized by Andrew and Jenny Love.

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Workshop ‘Loving All’

Workshop ‘Loving All’

Loving all: How Christians should relate to people whose lifestyles and beliefs differ from their own.

The church of Jesus Christ must make clear to all people the message of salvation in Christ: this demands that Christians accept that they are sinners who have been saved by Christ; it equally means that we fail our fellow human beings if we do not identify as sinful and as less than God’s ideal that which the Bible classifies as sinful and less that God’s ideal. If people’s sinful behaviour is endorsed and affirmed rather than categorised as sin of which they need to repent and from which they need to be saved, then we fail to show true care and compassion for our fellow human beings and deny them the message of salvation.

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Workshop ‘Belonging to God, belonging to one another’

Workshop ‘Belonging to God, belonging to one another’

Belonging to God, belonging to one another: Exploring the desire for belonging in the human experience through the ‘one anothers’ of the New Testament.

The desire for belonging is basic to the human experience. Why is that? What does this belonging look like for us as God’s people? The Bible Story begins by showing us that, like God, humans are relational beings. We are designed for connection with God and others, we are designed to belong. We’ll explore these themes together using the New Testament ‘one anothers’ as a framework.

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Morning Children's Club

Morning Children's Club

Your child will love our clubs. Whether it’s their first time or they’ve been coming for several years there will be new friends to be made, and they’ll get to know more about the Bible with fun activities tailored to their age, cool games and quizzes.

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Extratime/Take Time Seminar

Extratime/Take Time Seminar

Questioning Jesus
Jesus asked at least 130 questions during his ministry. He used these questions for all sorts of different reasons. Jesus, knowing all things, didn’t need anyone’s help to answer these questions. Instead he used these questions in order to involve his hearers, forcing them to think and ultimately pointed them to the truth. We are going to explore 4 of them this week.

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Prayer Meetings
A14, C22

Prayer Meetings

David Hails from Ebenezer Evangelical Church Neath Abbey will be leading the C22 meeting at 9:00am, and Nathan Munday Heath Evangelical Church Cardiff will be leading the 9:00am A14 meetings.

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Prime Time

Prime Time

Prime Time fellowship group meetings are aimed at "those in their prime" and usually attract a good number of people (around 80) with an age range of 55-80. The meetings, this year, will be held Monday to Thursday evenings inclusive in the Dance Studio which is close to the Main Hall. There should be plenty of space and good acoustics. The meetings will run from 8-30pm-9-30pm approximately.

The aim is to be quite informal with coffee and biscuits beforehand. The speaker for the evening is then introduced and speaks for about 15-20 minutes on the topic for the evening. This will be followed by questions/discussion for a further 15-20 minutes.

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Extratime Late

Extratime Late

In our extratime late sessions we will meet together again after the evening meetings in the Great Hall to sing, pray, catch up and also be encouraged in the Word. This year our thoughts are going to be on the I am statements that Jesus made in John’s gospel in order to declare who he was and why there is no other like him.

Question Panel - I am the Way The Truth and the life

Discover the answers to your questions about the Christian faith in this session! Submit your questions anonymously beforehand, and join us for an open and honest discussion with our panel. Whether you’re curious about Jesus, prayer, the Bible, or anything else related to Christianity. This is a unique opportunity to get biblical and practical answers in a safe and respectful environment.

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