


Extratime is held in A12, Medrus or Medrus 1 and is a series of events for 16-22 year olds. Seminars focus on the main issues facing those in their late teens and early twenties, shining a Biblical light on them. Every evening, we’ll meet together informally after the evening preaching meeting to reflect on what we’ve heard, as well as focussing on Jesus and what he has done for us. We also like to meet socially together so there’ll be plenty to do during the week!

Your Extratime Team

Dylan Brady, Aneurin and Marnie Britton, Jonathan Wood, Josh Corney & Carys Roberts


The Big Quiz
Saturday 8pm (Medrus)

There are rumours that some people only make their way to Aberystwyth in August in order to be tested by the Saturday Night extratime quiz. I reckon there’s no truth in it but the fact that you’re still reading suggests that your appetite for trivia has been whetted by the prospect. Come on your own or with a team. Put your knowledge to the test. We’ll have plenty of snacks too!

Beach social
Tuesday 4:00pm (South Beach)

If the weather’s good, we’ll be heading down to the beach in the afternoon. Why not join us and grab an ice cream or some lovely Aber seafront fish and chips. We’ll be at South Beach which is quieter than the town’s North Beach,and can be found by the town’s castle. It’ll be lovely to see you.

Aber Conference League - Football tournament
Thursday 2pm (University Sports Pitch)

There’s nothing quite like the beautiful game. God in his kindness has given us a wonderful sport to enjoy and we hope to be able to give him the glory as we play together on Thursday afternoon at the university pitches. This tournament is open to all ages and all skill levels but we kindly ask those who like to bicker and complain to the referees and organisers to stay away! Whether you’re looking for a team or already have one, grab a team sheet and submit your names by Wednesday evening.

Upcoming events:

Morning Sessions:

9am, A12

Questioning Jesus

Jesus asked at least 130 questions during his ministry. He used these questions for all sorts of different reasons. Jesus, knowing all things, didn’t need anyone’s help to answer these questions. Instead he used these questions in order to involve his hearers, forcing them to think and ultimately pointed them to the truth. We are going to explore 4 of them this week.

Tuesday: Who do you say that I am? (Matthew 16:15)

When Jesus came, there was a lot of confusion as to who he was, where had come from and what he had come to do! There were many promises from the Old Testament that the people were holding onto and hoping would one day be fulfilled. But there is also confusion today. Is Jesus a teacher, role model, friend or something more? In this session we will see how the Old Testament meets with the New. How are the prophecies spoken hundreds of years before Jesus’ time realised in Him?

Wednesday: What do you want? (John 1:38)

Family. Comfort. Money. Success. Fame. There’s all sorts of different things that we may find ourselves wanting. One thing that we clearly see in the gospels is that when we meet with Jesus our desires change. This question was asked to Jesus’ newly recruited disciples when they started following him. We will see that although the plans Jesus has for us are different to our expectations, the rewards are far more glorious!

Thursday: Why do you call me Lord and not do what I say? (Luke 6:46)

If Jesus is gracious and forgiving does that mean we can just do whatever we want? In this session we will discover how grace, far from being a licence for disobedience, fuels our obedience as we respond to the overwhelming love of God poured out through Christ. Our hope is to gain a deeper understanding of how grace and obedience meet together in the Christian life.

Friday: Salty again? (Luke 14:34)

Jesus said Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? One image that comes up time and time again in the gospels is salt! In this last seminar of the week, we will consider why Jesus wants us to be salty people. Not sore losers as we would call salty today but those who are distinct and different. It can be tough after being with other believers during a week like Aber to go back to our normal situations and experiences. Here is one last challenge from the Lord Jesus to be set apart from the rest of the world that others might see Jesus himself in our lives.

Evening Sessions - Extratime Late:

9pm, Medrus

In our extratime late sessions we will meet together again after the evening meetings in the Great Hall to sing, pray, catch up and also be encouraged in the Word. This year our thoughts are going to be on the I am statements that Jesus made in John’s gospel in order to declare who he was and why there is no other like him.

Sunday: I am the Bread of Life

Jesus is the Bread of Life, offering us our only true satisfaction. Here we will explore how Jesus fulfils the deepest longings of our hearts, providing sustenance that satisfies beyond earthly desires. The world offers us so much that we consume in order to try and find meaning but we will be reminded tonight of the reality that it is in Jesus alone we find the nourishment our souls truly crave.

Monday: I am the Good Shepherd

Just as a shepherd watches over and cares for his sheep, Jesus looks after us, protecting us from harm and providing everything we need to thrive. He’s always there to guide us in the right direction, helping us through tough times and leading us to places of peace. Jesus knows each of us personally and deeply cares about the needs of his flock. We will look at the lengths Jesus was willing to go to in order to love his sheep.

Tuesday: I am the Light of the World

In a world often overshadowed by darkness—sin, despair, and confusion—Jesus brings clarity and guidance. His life radiates with love, kindness, and righteousness, dispelling the shadows of fear and doubt. Through His sacrificial death and resurrection, He conquered the darkness of sin, offering humanity the opportunity to walk in His light and experience the fullness of life. We will see how the light is not restricted to here but is all over the world!

Wednesday: Question Panel - I am the Way The Truth and the life

Discover the answers to your questions about the Christian faith in this session! Submit your questions anonymously beforehand, and join us for an open and honest discussion with our panel. Whether you’re curious about Jesus, prayer, the Bible, or anything else related to Christianity. This is a unique opportunity to get biblical and practical answers in a safe and respectful environment.

Thursday: I am the Resurrection and the Life

In our final extratime late of the week we will look at what is possibly the biggest and most controversial claim Jesus ever made. Some don’t believe in life after death or that Jesus gives eternal life. Some might doubt it because it doesn’t match with science. We will see that Jesus’ words were not meaningless or hollow and that his resurrection from the dead showed he had power over death and that he brings new life to all who trust in him!