

For many, our fellowship groups are one of the highlights of the week, and they are a great opportunity to reflect and discuss what you’ve heard throughout Aber24 as well giving you the chance to think biblically through some of the issues facing us today. Details of the programme can be found below and in the calendar.

Aber Lounge

There will be a number of informal gatherings during the week that will be great for those who wish to meet others. Those leading the conference will be there to introduce themselves, chat with you and answer any questions you may have — and the coffee is on us!

Extra Time:

Extratime is a series of events (morning, afternoon and evening) for 16-22 year olds.

There is a full programme of events that can be seen here

Examples include:

Morning Sessions:

Jesus asked at least 130 questions during his ministry. He used these questions for all sorts of different reasons. Jesus, knowing all things, didn’t need anyone’s help to answer these questions. Instead he used these questions in order to involve his hearers, forcing them to think and ultimately pointed them to the truth. We are going to explore 4 of them this week. 9am, A12

Evening Sessions:

In our extratime late sessions we will meet together again after the evening meetings in the Great Hall to sing, pray, catch up and also be encouraged in the Word. This year our thoughts are going to be on the I am statements that Jesus made in John’s gospel in order to declare who he was and why there is no other like him. 9pm, Medrus

Take Time:

Take Time is focused on those in their twenties and thirties and take place in the evening 8:30pm (Medrus 1). They also join Extratime for the morning seminar options (A12).

Mike and Susana Chalmers are leading Take Time.

Sunday - Take Time: Introductions

A social opportunity to renew friendships and make new ones as we chat over a cuppa as the week begins.

Monday - In conversation with David Meredith

We'll be hearing from our main speaker for the week, David Meredith. It'll be a great chance to hear something of his story and to get a flavour of what he'll be speaking on during the week.

Tuesday - Being a part of the body: where do I fit in?

Aber is obviously only one week of the year so what about the other 51 weeks? We'll be thinking about what it means to be a healthy member in our churches and how we can play our part where God has put us.

Wednesday - Therefore Go...

We'll be thinking about the work of the gospel in the wider world. There'll be something to inspire us as well as the opportunity to pray for mission work.

Thursday - Take Time Q&A

We'll finish the week together with the chance for you to come and ask any questions about the Christian faith! A great space to work through some big questions with each other.

Time Out:

Time Out is aimed at middle-aged people and gives them a chance to relax and reflect on the conference week as a whole.

The meetings take place in the evening (8:30pm) in C22.

Monday: Sweet Caroline

We kick off the week with a gentle session of introductions fuelled by summery snacks.

Tuesday: In conversation with David Meredith

An opportunity to meet conference speaker David Meredith, hear about his ministry and mission, and find out what he wishes he could have said in his conference addresses so far.

Wednesday: Feed The World

Missionary and mom Marcia Mclean reflects on ways to upskill your hospitality vibe.

Thursday: Lumina 

Catrin Trollope will introduce the new EMW project Lumina, a resource for the young people you know, love, serve, and pray for.

Jonathan and Caroline Hodgins are leading Time Out

Prime Time:

Prime Time fellowship group meetings are aimed at "those in their prime" and usually attract a good number of people (around 80) with an age range of 55-80. The meetings, this year, will be held Monday to Thursday evenings inclusive in the Dance Studio which is close to the Main Hall. There should be plenty of space and good acoustics. The meetings will run from 8-30pm-9-30pm approximately. 

The aim is to be quite informal with coffee and biscuits beforehand. The speaker for the evening is then introduced and speaks for about 15-20 minutes on the topic for the evening. This will be followed by questions/discussion for a further 15-20 minutes. 

Monday 12 August -  "Modelling Jesus' sympathy" - Paul Williams

We are reminded by the writer to the Hebrews that our Saviour is able to sympathise with us in our weaknesses (Hebrews 4: 15). How are we expected to model His behaviour towards others and what challenges does that present?  

Tuesday 13 August - "Modelling Jesus' meekness(gentleness) and humility (lowliness)" - Stephen Clark

Matthew's gospel records Jesus' own description of two of His emotions - He is meek and lowly (Matthew 11:29). What does true meekness and humility look like and how do we see this modelled by our Saviour when He was on earth? In the celebrity culture how can Christians be encouraged to be counter-cultural in their behaviour? 

Wednesday 14 August - "Modelling Jesus' anger" - David Meredith

How difficult it is as a Christian to be righteously angry and not sin (Ephesians 4:26)! Yet Jesus modelled this for us - what can we learn? 

Thursday 15 August - "Modelling Jesus' compassion" - Dyfan Williams

The gospel writers speak of Jesus' "compassion" on several occasions (eg Matthew 20:34, Mark 1:41 and Luke 7:13). What was His emotional state at these times? What would it look like for us to model the same behaviour in the society of our day? 

Make it your aim to come along to Prime Time each evening!

Alan and Elizabeth Gilmore.