Tuesday Workshops

Church Renewal and Revitalisation

Workshop with David Meredith

Many of our churches have seen better days. Do we let them die naturally and peacefully or is there potential for renewal? In this interactive workshop we will look at the potential and strategies for church revitalisation. There will be no silver bullets offered but there will be insights into how we can have healthy churches. By ourselves we cannot bring growth, God does that.  However, we can plant and water. Join us as we look at basic gospel gardening skills for twenty-first century churches.

  • The Great Hall

  • 2:00pm 

The dwelling place of God – being heavenly minded and of earthly use.

Workshop with Mostyn Roberts

There are many things one could say about heaven. People enjoy speculating but in this seminar I want to concentrate on the central truth that it will be the dwelling place of God with his people (Revelation 21:3). The fact that God is there will dwarf the significance of everything else. Inseparable from this is the promise that we shall see his face (Revelation 22:4). This afternoon we shall consider two great truths: heaven is the place where God dwells, and it is the place where we shall see God. Further, if grace is glory in the bud, what do these truths mean for our life now?

  • C22

  • 2:00pm 

Thursday Workshops


Loving all: How Christians should relate to people whose lifestyles and beliefs differ from their own.

Workshop with Stephen Clark

The church of Jesus Christ must make clear to all people the message of salvation in Christ: this demands that Christians accept that they are sinners who have been saved by Christ; it equally means that we fail our fellow human beings if we do not identify as sinful and as less than God’s ideal that which the Bible classifies as sinful and less that God’s ideal. If people’s sinful behaviour is endorsed and affirmed rather than categorised as sin of which they need to repent and from which they need to be saved, then we fail to show true care and compassion for our fellow human beings and deny them the message of salvation.

  • The Great Hall

  • 2:00pm 

Belonging to God, belonging to one another: Exploring the desire for belonging in the human experience through the ‘one anothers’ of the New Testament.

Workshop with Emyr and Elaine Macdonald

The desire for belonging is basic to the human experience. Why is that? What does this belonging look like for us as God’s people? The Bible Story begins by showing us that, like God, humans are relational beings. We are designed for connection with God and others, we are designed to belong. We’ll explore these themes together using the New Testament ‘one anothers’ as a framework.

  • C22

  • 2:00pm