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Filtering by: “Great Hall”

Workshop ‘Loving All’

Workshop ‘Loving All’

Loving all: How Christians should relate to people whose lifestyles and beliefs differ from their own.

The church of Jesus Christ must make clear to all people the message of salvation in Christ: this demands that Christians accept that they are sinners who have been saved by Christ; it equally means that we fail our fellow human beings if we do not identify as sinful and as less than God’s ideal that which the Bible classifies as sinful and less that God’s ideal. If people’s sinful behaviour is endorsed and affirmed rather than categorised as sin of which they need to repent and from which they need to be saved, then we fail to show true care and compassion for our fellow human beings and deny them the message of salvation.

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Workshop 'Church Renewal and Revitalisation'

Workshop 'Church Renewal and Revitalisation'

Many of our churches have seen better days. Do we let them die naturally and peacefully or is there potential for renewal? In this interactive workshop we will look at the potential and strategies for church revitalisation. There will be no silver bullets offered but there will be insights into how we can have healthy churches. By ourselves we cannot bring growth, God does that. However, we can plant and water. Join us as we look at basic gospel gardening skills for twenty-first century churches.

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What difference does Jesus Christ make to how we read the Psalms?

What difference does Jesus Christ make to how we read the Psalms?

Workshop with Christopher Ash. It’s easy to cherry pick the bits we like from the Psalms, lovely devotional verses, words to warm our hearts - and there are plenty of those. But it’s much harder really to pray all the verses in all the Psalms. We keep hitting obstacles - when the psalmist claims amazing innocence, when the suffering is almost incredibly extreme, when the psalmist is winning battles to rule the world, and when they pray for God to punish the wicked. Then we struggle. A proper understanding of how Jesus prayed the Psalms and how they point to Jesus can make all the difference. I hope to open this up with time for questions too.

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Discipling our children in a hostile world: who is responsible and how is it best done?

Discipling our children in a hostile world: who is responsible and how is it best done?

Workshop with Mel Lacy. There is no doubt that this is one of the most difficult periods of history to nurture children and young people for the glory of the Lord Jesus. Discipleship is challenging as we seek to steer our children through the never ending deluge of competing worldviews and philosophies that try to reorientate their hearts daily.  This seminar will help parents and others to understand in more detail some of the competing ideas and agendas that surround our children and then begin to develop a bible pattern of engagement and discipleship that will richly benefit our 21st children. 

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