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Morning Children's Club

Your child will love our clubs. Whether it’s their first time or they’ve been coming for several years there will be new friends to be made, and they’ll get to know more about the Bible with fun activities tailored to their age, cool games and quizzes.

Tiny Tots (6 months to 4 years) - Medrus

Mini Marvels (4 to 7 years) - Medrus

Holiday Heroes (7 to 11 years) - Medrus

JAber (11 to 15 years) - Medrus

To join a group, your child will need an event pass and a completed consent form. The form can be found at and should be completed before the conference if possible. Please collect your child each day immediately after the Bible Reading finishes.

Form link -

15 August

Extratime/Take Time Seminar

15 August

Bible Reading 3 'Power preaching and the racist prophet’