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Extratime/Take Time Seminar

Questioning Jesus

Jesus asked at least 130 questions during his ministry. He used these questions for all sorts of different reasons. Jesus, knowing all things, didn’t need anyone’s help to answer these questions. Instead he used these questions in order to involve his hearers, forcing them to think and ultimately pointed them to the truth. We are going to explore 4 of them this week.

Salty again? (Luke 14:34)

Jesus said Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? One image that comes up time and time again in the gospels is salt! In this last seminar of the week, we will consider why Jesus wants us to be salty people. Not sore losers as we would call salty today but those who are distinct and different. It can be tough after being with other believers during a week like Aber to go back to our normal situations and experiences. Here is one last challenge from the Lord Jesus to be set apart from the rest of the world that others might see Jesus himself in our lives.

16 August

Family Thanksgiving Service

16 August

Prayer Meetings