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Extratime/Take Time Seminar

Questioning Jesus

Jesus asked at least 130 questions during his ministry. He used these questions for all sorts of different reasons. Jesus, knowing all things, didn’t need anyone’s help to answer these questions. Instead he used these questions in order to involve his hearers, forcing them to think and ultimately pointed them to the truth. We are going to explore 4 of them this week.

What do you want? (John 1:38)

Family. Comfort. Money. Success. Fame. There’s all sorts of different things that we may find ourselves wanting. One thing that we clearly see in the gospels is that when we meet with Jesus our desires change. This question was asked to Jesus’ newly recruited disciples when they started following him. We will see that although the plans Jesus has for us are different to our expectations, the rewards are far more glorious!

14 August

Prayer Meetings

14 August

Morning Children's Club