Be refreshed by the Word

Aug 10th-17th, 2024

Welcome to Aber 2024

It is our great joy to welcome you to Aber - Please join us in praying for God’s blessing at Aber24.

We hope that you will find this online guide useful.

Each day the highlight is the preaching of God’s Word. There’s also much more for you to get involved in, including prayer meetings, fellowship groups and our workshops. There are meetings for families, young people and those who have come alone - please remember that you don’t have to go to everything! We have put together a conference that we hope will glorify God, refresh your heart, encourage you, and build you up in the truth.

To use the online guide, use the top menu to navigate the main section that include:

  • Welcome - message from our chairman

  • Calendar - list and details of every event

  • Details - details of all groups and meetings (e.g., Fellowship, Children, Families, Workshops, Mission Exhibition)

  • Watch - link to watch Aber 24 live

  • Buy - to buy event passes

  • Info - all the practical information!

We pray that you will experience warm fellowship and have plenty of opportunities to meet new friends this week. If you have any needs during the conference, please don’t hesitate to visit the welcome desk (open 9am-9pm), give one of the EMW team a call on 0800 4647676, or speak to one of the stewards.

Upcoming events:


What to expect.


We pray that you will experience warm fellowship and have plenty of opportunities to meet new friends this week. If you have any needs during the conference, please don’t hesitate to visit the welcome desk (open 9 till 9 every day), give one of the EMW team a call on 0800 4647676, or speak to one of the stewards.

The programme is focused around the morning Bible Readings and the evening services where we come together to worship God and hear his Word preached. During the conference, you will also have an opportunity to take part in many different meetings, events and fellowship groups all giving an opportunity to reflect on what you’ve heard and to think biblically through some of the issues facing us today (details below).

Alternatively, you may just prefer to relax with your family enjoying the beautiful west Wales coast or spend time having a drink at one of Aberystwyth’s many coffee shops with friends, both old and new, reflecting on all you’ve heard. It’s your holiday, so it really is up to you.



Workshops run during Tuesday and Thursday afternoons dealing with key areas of the Christian life, helping equip us to better serve our God. (more info)


At our Mission Exhibition you will find organisations and societies offering information, resources and opportunities to help you connect with what God is doing all over the world (more info)


Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday (3.30pm) on the promenade, near the bandstand. Join our open air services seeking to witness to the local area and to reach others holidaying in Aberystwyth.


  • Live audio and video from all the meetings in the Great Hall will be streamed at (WiFi is free for guests in University accommodation).

  • All the Sunday Services, main meetings and seminars will be recorded for you to purchase to download from, later in the year).


Prayer Meetings are an opportunity to call on the name of the Lord together. Three meeting will take place daily Tuesday to Friday:

  • 8am taken by Graham John at y Sgubor

  • 9am taken by David Hails at C22

  • 9am taken by Nathan Munday at A12


The Aber24 bookshop is in the Dance Studio near to the Great Hall in the Arts Centre. Working in conjunction with 10ofthose, we have a wide range of Christian books, many of which are discounted – so make sure you grab yourself some great reading at great prices while you are with us. Listen out for book reviews and details of book signing sessions in the main meetings.